Friday, 27 November 2015

Movie review: TAMAASHA

An Imtiaz Ali film warrants a watch. His storytelling and narrative has always been novel and many a times quite non-obvious
And when he teams with AR Rahman, Ranbir and Deepika, even at worse,it would still be a decent watch.
TAMAASHA then, is a fairly inconsistent film which with all its blemishes deserves to be seen. It might be unfulfilling, unsatisfactory and even drives home the same Imtiaz Ali message, yet it is not at all disappointing.
With its heart at the right place, one is more than willing to condone the irregular beats.

Rat-race can take a man from you, transform you into a machine and gradually drain you off emotionally. The materialistic need overpowering the elemental emotions.
Also,True love can show you your true self. Running away from the daily chores actually brings you closer to your self.
These messages formed the backbone of earlier Imtiaz's films and this movie too works on the same tangent.

There is a lot to like here if you are willing to invest yourself in the narrative. The crackling chemistry between the leads, brilliant music, and the genius of Imtiaz Ali on quite a handful of scenes.
The scene in which Ranbir and Deepika split, the scene in which Deepika persuades Ranbir to take her back, Ranbir's outburst in front of his Dad and many more emotionally move you. There are inventive presentations and some penetrating predicaments striking our hearts. The turbulence in Ranbir's life feels genuine, and his trauma feels relatable. His outbursts though feels contrived and uneven.

Ofcourse, the film suffers from a lot of self-indulgence and redundancy. The messages too,though well intended, are too many and poorly communicated. The predicaments of the protagonists lack the depth and on a few occasions even come across juvenile.

The performances as expected are powerful.Though Ranbir does a brilliant job, it is Deepika who steals the show with her big expressive eyes and an emotionally enriched performance.Many scenes work solely because of the maturity the lead pair brings to them.

Far from being thoroughly engaging and insightful, the movie sure has a large chunk which can be appreciated.

Do watch it.

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