Friday, 8 January 2016

Movie review: WAZIR

Suspense is gold if it builds up gradually and bursts out outwitting you completely.  The entire emotional turbulence of anxiety, anticipation and excitement regarding the outcome of a situation can be quite enticing and satiating.
But the same Suspense can be a terrible disappointment if it becomes predictable from the word go, takes way too many loopholes to pan out and can't surprise you.

WAZIR then, commits the same old sin of being way too predictable for a suspense drama and way too leisurely for an edge-of-the-seat thriller. It suffers on account of an incompetent script and a genuine lack of substance.

The film begins promisingly with the two lead protagonists, suffering from grief and guilt (of losing their children), uniting and bonding over the game of chess.
Both Mr.Bachhan and Farhan in terrific form and their moods in perfect sync.Add to this, Mr.Bachhan vocalling some of the film's best lines with so much finesse(the way only he can) makes you invest in the narrative and even condone the leisurely pace.
But all this eventually is a recipe on the lines of 'flattering to decieve'. Game of chess against the game of life, the pawn against the king, all the style and swag-All this buildup for nothing.

Given the predicaments of both the leads, our sympathies for both, not for once surfaces. Blame it on the poorly sketched out characters or a weak script, the emotions of grief stricken parents does not find a way in our hearts.
All this could have easily been swept under the carpet if the thriller element had been up to the mark. One could easily miss the flaws and shortcomings if the pace is healthy and the proceedings have the required urgency. But sadly, the unravelling of the plot happens without any major twists or turns taking away any intrigue left whatsoever. The latter half of the film merely becomes a routine revenge drama.

The big final revelation could be seen from miles away. Nothing startling and nothing surprising. To make it even worse, the director spoon-feeds us the entire details as if we hadn't any clue. High time the filmmakers start trusting the audience's intelligence.

In the end, what should have been a well made noir cum suspense drama turns out low on substance and even low on intelligence.

Give it a miss.

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